
St Patrick's Catholic Primary & Nursery School

"Christ be with me and Christ be within me"

Year 6 - St Thomas

Welcome to Year 6!

St Thomas




A big welcome to Year 6 for a fun filled, enriching year. Our aim is to make your final year at Primary School enjoyable, exciting and educational in readiness for moving on to Secondary School.  


Through the course of the year, we will not only be learning new topics and concepts but we will also revisit previous areas of learning from Key Stage 2.  We aim to support and challenge the children throughout; so they can achieve to their best ability. We would ask the children to continue to practise their skills at home to consolidate their learning. This should include reading regularly alongside practising instant recall of times tables and spellings.  


As ever, the children’s spiritual journey continues this year through our RE lessons, collective worships and, of course, the children’s next step in their sacramental life by choosing to make their Confirmation.  This happens towards the end of the year at a wonderful Mass overseen by the Bishop.  There will be preparation masses and meetings in the lead up to this, which we will keep you informed about. 


The Key Stage 2 SATs will be undertaken in May (Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May 2025), where the children will be tested on Mathematics, Reading, Spelling and Grammar.  Writing is assessed throughout the year, as is Science.  We endeavour to make these tests as stress-free and calm as possible and appreciate your support with this.  


We will be enjoying plenty of learning opportunities across our other subject areas.  The Learning Journey topics this year are the Second World War, Ancient China and Ancient Greece/Olympics.  During these topics we will explore historical and geographical skills as well as enhancing our Design Technology and artistic abilities.  We will tackle a wide range of activities, enriched by themed days, educational visits and special events in school. 


The children will continue to develop their PSHE, Spanish, Music, Computing skills and scientific expertise through lessons, activities and assemblies too. 


As well as all this, sporting excellence remains at the forefront of our St Patrick’s school life.  We will continue to develop and nurture the children’s talents in a range of sports during school and after school. There will be opportunities for the children to compete in sports activities too, within school and in local tournaments.  


We are aware that Year 6 can be a very stressful and worrying time for both parents and children; choosing secondary school and undertaking the SATs examinations. However, we are always available to support you with both educational and pastoral matters.  Please do not hesitate to come and see us or phone the school to speak to us if we can be of any help. 


We look forward to working together to provide the best and greatest opportunities possible for the children; creating happy memories of Year 6 and their time at St. Patrick’s Primary School. 


Key Stage 2 Assessment Information
