Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) - Intent, Implementation and Impact
At St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery, it is our intention that the children in our care enter a warm and welcoming environment that places their needs and development at the centre of all we do. We recognise the children’s personal, social and emotional development as paramount, thus enabling them to be happy, calm and successful learners who enjoy coming to school and being in each other’s company.
We place great value on the communication and language skills of the children, especially on oracy, as we aim to enable all children to successfully, and independently, access their learning and communicate with those around them.
We believe that high levels of engagement ensure high levels of attainment and we aim to provide an engaging curriculum that offers purposeful, enriching and aspirational learning opportunities for all.
Our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum has been designed and planned specifically for the children in our care. It is designed to encourage independent, inquisitive and happy learners who can work cooperatively and persevere.
It recognises the children’s prior learning – both from our Nursery Class and from other previous settings, as well as their experiences at home – and, using the information gathered through our baseline assessment, allows us to plan learning experiences that ensure progress for all.
Through our planned curriculum, and continuous provision, we provide purposeful opportunities for meaningful cross-curricular links and learning experiences. We value and provide extended periods of play that allow for sustained thinking, communication and independent application of skills learnt through directed teaching and skilful adult interaction.
Our timetables are carefully structured so that the children in both our Nursery and Reception classes have times of directed teaching during the day that is appropriate to their age and stage of development. Our timetables change throughout the year to take into consideration the changing needs of the children.
In our Reception Class, the children have directed teaching in English, Mathematics and Phonics every day. These directed teaching times are followed by small, focused group work tasks that allow for the adults to check for understanding and respond to misconceptions quickly. We follow the ‘Floppy’s Phonics’ scheme and take a mastery approach to Mathematics by following both the ‘Mastering Number’ programme and ‘Power Maths.’
In both our Nursery and Reception Classes the continuous provision is planned to incorporate the current theme, the children’s age/stage of development and their interests. A new theme is introduced each half-term and this provides the inspiration for exciting, engaging and challenging tasks that support and extend the children’s learning.
We value our close relationship with the parents of the children in our care and take pride in sharing the children’s learning through our use of Class Dojo and Tapestry. We also regularly invite parents to join us for special days throughout the year – Christmas Crafts, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, our Summer Picnic etc.
The impact of our EYFS curriculum is reflected in the high levels of wellbeing and engagement demonstrated by the children in our care.
By the end of the Nursery Year the children in our care have built good relationships with their peers and the adults they work with. They are happy and confident in coming to school and separating from their main carers. They understand the routines and expectations of our setting and are well equipped with the skills they need to transition smoothly into Reception – either at our school or at another school.
By the end of the Reception Year the children in our care are well rounded, happy and confident learners who successfully and smoothly transition into Year 1. Through our curriculum, we ensure that the children leave the EYFS with a love of learning and the skills they need to form a solid foundation on which to build in Years 1-6.