Welcome to Reception!
St Joseph
In Reception Class we all work together to provide a positive, caring, safe and stimulating environment for the children. We choose topics based on the children’s interests and provide a wide range of learning opportunities for the children as they explore the world around them. Through explorative play, children will learn fundamental mathematical and literacy skills, as well as developing their confidence, communication and language, and ability to work well with others. Our creative approach inspires children to learn, developing a positive approach to learning which will help ensure success as they embark on their educational journey throughout school. We encourage our children to be active learners, exploring the world through a range of indoor and outdoor experiences, developing their independence.
We cover the seven areas of learning from the Statutory Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage. These are:
We follow 'Floppy Phonics' programme to deliver a rigorous, easy to use systematic synthetic phonics teaching programme for early reading and writing success.
Our topics are:
Who is a Superhero?
Who is afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
Is there anything above the clouds?
What happens on a working farm?
Who made these footprints?
How can I help the planet?
Alongside the main themes, we have impact days that give children a full experience of different cultures and concepts, such as Diwali, Chinese New Year and World Book Day.
Reception Class Team
Mrs Waller is the Reception Class teacher and is supported by Mrs Dempsey and Mrs Wiatrek. Mrs Dempsey delivers our R.E programme, on a Wednesday.
P.E takes place every Tuesday morning. We ask that you ensure you child has the correct P.E with them in school on this day. All earrings also need to be removed by the parent/carer prior to coming to school, as unfortunately staff are unable to remove them.
Your child’s P.E kit should contain the following:
Red School logo t-shirt
Black short/shorts with logo
Black plimsolls
In colder weather plain black leggings or jogging bottoms may be worn
We very much look forward to sharing the children’s learning and achievements with you through our Class’ Dojo page and our door is always open if you have any questions.