
St Patrick's Catholic Primary & Nursery School

"Christ be with me and Christ be within me"

School Times


The classroom doors open and our day begins at 8:40 a.m.


Lessons start promptly at this time - if your child arrives after 8:40 a.m, they will be missing the start of a lesson. As a school we would encourage everyone to be into school at 8:40 a.m. to enable them to be ready for the start of lessons.


School finishes at 3:15 p.m. (3:10 p.m. for Reception & Nursery)


This equates to a total of 32.5 hours a week.


If your child is unwell, please telephone the school office (01536 744447) and leave a message stating your child’s name, class and the reason for the absence before 8:40 a.m. If we do not receive   information as to why your child is absent then you will receive a telephone call from school to ascertain a reason for the absence. If we cannot contact anyone, then a home visit may be made to establish where the child is and why they are not at school. This is in line with our safeguarding policy.


We also offer a Breakfast club that starts from 7.45am to 8.40am and Afterschool Care that will start from 3.15pm to 6pm. Both of these are chargeable and further details are under the section of clubs.

