
St Patrick's Catholic Primary & Nursery School

"Christ be with me and Christ be within me"


As you know children’s regular attendance at school is very important for them to make good progress and to keep up with the work in class.


If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office to detail their reason for absence. You can leave a message on our answer phone or speak to a member of the school office. Failure to make contact may result in a home visit or contacting other agencies to ensure the safety and well-being of your child.


We are not able to authorise any absences from school unless they are for ‘exceptional circumstances’. Please always speak to the school office before arranging any holidays or planned absences from school.


The Local Authority is now issuing penalty notices for any 5 day or longer unauthorised absence, or for patterns of attendance which are below 90%.


We have no obligation to authorise any absence from school and may need to have medical proof in some cases. Proof of medical and dental appointments is needed to authorise those absences form school.

